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The Little Axe Fire Protection District complies with the Oklahoma Open Records Act and public policy of the State of Oklahoma that the people are vested with the inherent right to know and be fully informed about their government. Little Axe Fire Protection District’s records are available for public inspection and copying, except for records which are confidential under state or federal law. (51.O.S. § 24A.5) 

As we provide prompt, reasonable access to our records we have established reasonable procedures which protect the integrity and organization of its records and to prevent excessive disruptions of its essential functions. (51.O.S. § 24A.5) 

Per (51.O.S. § 24A.6) Our office does not have regular business hours of at least thirty (30) hours per week, we have posted and maintained a written notice at our principal office and with the county clerk. 

Records will be made available by appointment at least two times each week, excluding Sundays. 

Record requests will be made using our online request form located on our website at the following link:

NOTE: You must register on the website to access this form. 

The primary contact for viewing or obtaining records is our General Administrator who can be reached by calling (405) 386-7700 or by mail at PO BOX 379, NEWALLA, OK 74857. Record requests are not accepted by phone or postal mail, this is for contact purposes only if you have questions. All requests must use the online record request form. 

Fee Schedule 51 O.S. § 24A.5 (3)

a. $0.25 per page for photocopies of records up to 8½” x 11”

b. $1.00 per page for certified copies.

c. There is no fee for electronic records. 

For commercial purpose records requests that would clearly cause excessive disruption of the essential functions of the public body, then we may charge a reasonable fee to recover the direct cost of record search and copying as stated in 51 O.S. § 24A.5 (3).

In order to access the online request form you must be a registered user of the website. Please create an account and look for the link to appear directly under the link you clicked on to get to this page. If you have already registered you may proceed by clicking on the button below.